Bill Dolan “The 7 Disciplines of Relationship Marketing”

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Bill Dolan "The 7 Disciplines of Relationship Marketing"

Bill Dolan and Jason Todd discuss Bill’s new book “The 7 Disciplines of Relationship Marketing”

Buy Bill’s book at:

7DRM – The 7 Disciplines of Relationship Marketing: The Greatest Marketing Strategy in History and How You Can Harness It to Transform Your Company, Your Culture and You!

Key takeaways include:

The importance of being present in relationships and the impact of an after death experience on his life, business, and marketing.

The importance of distribution in the entertainment industry and the need to have a product seen by someone in order for it to be successful.

The near-death experience changed the interviewee’s approach to life, family, business, and entertainment. He realized that he had the opportunity to make a profound impact on the world through his work.

Bill realized that love and relationship is the most powerful force in the world, and that expressing love in relationships is the key to peace. He committed to telling the people in his life that he loves them, no matter how “freakish” it may seem.

The importance of understanding our purpose and mission in life and how to craft a mission manifesto to help us achieve it.

The need to be intentional about how we spend our energy and resources to make the greatest impact in something that matters.

The importance of having a mission that is actionable and understanding who you are uniquely called to serve.

Relationship marketing is more than feigning relationship

it’s getting your eyes in the right place because your heart is in the right place.

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